NLP Hypnosis Reiki

Weight Control

There are three main causes for weight gain:

Carbohydrate Addiction, Reduced Metabolism, Binge Eating.

Metabolism can change with age and Health problems, and you should check with your doctor, to see if you have an inactive thyroid.

It is not known what causes binge eating disorders. Depression has been linked to Binge eating disorder, as well as Anger, sadness, boredom and worry. We just don't know if dieting and binge eating disorder, are related.

My guess is that binge eating is related to some form of emotional disturbance, and with the aid of hypnotherapy, you can often eliminate the need for food as a substitute for those emotions. In most cases you can deal with the emotion through hypnotherapy that is requires you to over eat.

Hypnotherapy can also be used to alter your metabolism. Our body functions, such as breathing, heart rate, blood flow and many others, are controlled by our subconscious mind, when we learn to communicate with the subconscious we can ask it to adjust our metabolism.

Carbohydrate addiction can be a little more complicated, we start using sugar at a very early age.

According to Dr. Anthony Gilkey, a U.S. public health diabetic eye researcher, "Most diabetics in our programs are overweight. People relate diabetes to an insulin deficiency; however, diabetes is really an inability of the body to properly utilize carbohydrates. Insulin is supplemented to treat diabetes, but the underlying problem centers around carbohydrates."

Hypnosis can be Used to replace the Carbohydrate cravings to other types of foods.

Not all Carbohydrates are bad and I am not suggesting that you should cut out all carbohydrates you still need complex carbohydrates and fruits and vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet, avoid the fruits and vegetables that are highest in carbs, at least while you are loosing weight It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that processed Carbs are the worst, if it didn't grow then don't eat it.

The simplest formula to loose weight is eat less, exercise more, reducing your sugar intake and exorcise will raise your metabolism, and reduce your appetite

Consult your doctor before you go on any diet or exercise program

If you feel that your weight loss depends on your state of mind then maybe Hypnosis is for you.

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