NLP Hypnosis Reiki

Depression Information

Depression, chemical imbalance or state of mind?

Even the experts haven't been able to answer that one.For some, chemical imbalance is a real issue, it can happen at birth, with an accident, or a very traumatic experience. The brain stops sending the proper signals that create happiness, and for those few, medication is a solution. Doctors in my opinion are to quick to subscribe, medication. More and more people are looking for healthier alternatives, because medications don't necessarily cure the problem but just mask the symptoms. As an example, you have probably seen a commercial or two on TV and the drug they are advertising have 3 times more warned side effects than the problem it is supposed to help. The mind is a very powerful tool and we all have the ability to heal with in. The brain can create many of its own chemicals to solve our problems. When we talk of depression in a healthy individual, we are talking about one emotion, we experience among many. We cycle through these emotions on a regular basis. It is not healthy to get stuck on any one of them for too long a period. Can you imagine if you were silly happy all day long, it would probably be masking other emotions that were trying to get through.

We need to recognize our emotions or states of mind, and learn to change them at will. There are times when getting angry or feeling sad is appropriate. The trick is not to get stuck in any one emotion. A lot of depression comes from how we perceive events in our life, and negative self talk. You can learn to change those perceptions and give your self more positive self talk.

I am depressed, of course you are . When some one tells me that, I ask how do you do that, because every feeling is a process, so you say you lower your head, and you talk really slowly.

Do you have to think of something really sad?

This may sound a little strange to you, but if you can create depressed, you can create happy they are both processes, in the mind.

I realize there are people with chemical imbalances, but some of them have been created by the doctors who gave them the chemicals. If you tell a doctor you are depressed he will give you a pill , and when you go back and say that, this pill is causing this side effect, he will give you another pill.

If you want a depression free life with out drugs it's possible!

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