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Have A Great Memory

There are two kinds of memories short term and long term, and there are a lot of things that can effect the accessing of these memories.

With the short term memory, improper diet, stress, lack of sleep all contribute to a poor memory, and self talk is a big factor. for short term memory loss.

Who do you think has the better memory, the person that repeats to them self, and out loud that they have a bad memory, or the person that tells them self that they have a great memory.

What we feed our unconscious often enough, we begin to believe,and the more vividly we can describe it the more real it becomes.

So why not start telling yourself you have a great memory, what is the worse that could happen, you don't have the great memory you always thought you had.

The long term memory is a little different story, some of your memories are hidden from your conscious mind by your unconscious, for various different reasons, but the most obvious is that it is protecting you from having to deal with something, There may be big issues or maybe small but your unconscious decided to wait until you were strong enough to deal with them.

It could be a death in the family, and you chose to block that period in your life, or maybe an incident of being abused.

What ever it is you want to remember I can help you to access those memories.

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