NLP Hypnosis Reiki



Reiki is an ancient healing art form that uses the life force energy known as Chi or Ki. Known by many names in many cultures, Ki from Japan is where the word Reiki was derived from.

Reiki is an electrical type energy. This is the basic energy that flows through all living things.

Reiki healers have had their body energies channeled, opened and cleared of obstructions with Reiki attunements. The Healers not only receive more life energy or Chi for their own healing, but become connected, to the source of all universal Chi. The attunement does not give the healer anything new, but opens and aligns what is already part of every one. Reiki I healers channels Ki or Chi directly through the touch of the hands, level II healers can channel energy remotely.

The flow of energy travels to the needed areas of the body, without the direction or the knowing of the healer.About Reiki

Unlike an aspirin, Reiki not only removes the pain, but fixes the source, of the problem. Regular aches and pains can be removed with one or two visits, broken bones take longer, Cancer can take several months. It is recommended what ever you have that you seek the expertise of a doctor. Broken bones must be set before Reiki is used,or they will heal in what ever position they are in. The Healer has no control over this energy force, but is used as a tool for it's transfer. 

Reiki Energy, can improve the healing time,reiki can relieve pain and boost the immune system and help you to relax


Description of a remote healing

Hi. I have been going through some rough times in my relationship with mental and physical abuse and have not really felt healthy enough in my mind and soul I am really needing some strength, uplifting and all theother things that go with a bad relationship. Thank you very much for taking your time to work with me tonight. I feel great. I experienced tingling throughout my body at different times and at one point I felt what I thought was a piece of my hair fall onto my forehead. When I went to remove it there was nothing there so I looked at the time. It was 8:11 and I was wondering if you were at my head during that time. At another point I moved to lay on my side and I felt some tapping on my right shoulder blade. It was a great experience and I thank you again for your help.

Sincerely Marlis

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