NLP Hypnosis Reiki

Stop Smoking

Do you mind if I smoke, no, do you mind if I fart. A famous line by Steve Martin.

There is nothing worse than a born again non smoker, I got up to 2 and 1/2 packs a day.

My lungs have given me some problems, like pneumonia twice and the whooping cough, but I guess it was when I was coughing up blood that I said maybe it is time to quit.

If you love to smoke, then why not smoke, we are going to die some day anyway.

Let me ask you this though, what would it be like, if you could save some money each month and feel great about it?

Maybe you could even imagine finishing a meal , or a social event , with out being thrown outside.

Wouldn't it be nice, not to have to make those late night trips to the store, to get a fix.

If you really want to Stop, you can!

Hypnosis can help you remove the cravings, and reduce the desire. It takes about 30 days to create or change a habit. Through repetitive actions, you can program your unconscious mind to think different. Look if you don't give your mind new information, it will continue to operate only, with the old information it has. So, if you want it to behave, or respond differently, your mind needs new information. If you were to think back, to when you learned how to drive a car, you didn't just hop in and drive away, you had to get familiar with all the controls on a conscious level, and then practice them, until your unconscious took over.
Now you probably, don't' think about working the controls, on a conscious level, because, it is as automatic, as breathing. So why not learn to, stop smoking. I have created a hypnotic CD that you play just before you go to sleep, for thirty consecutive days, You don't have to go to sleep and it is better if you don't. This Cd will help you totally relax as it makes powerful suggestions, and feeds your unconscious mind with new helpful information .

Results vary from person to person, depending on your willingness to let go, and your receptiveness to hypnosis.

You also have to look for secondary gains, what do I gain by smoking and what will I loose. If you can figure out, what it is you need smoking for, then you can find a substitution to fill those needs.

Hypnosis is not about controlling ones mind but a state of total relaxation and awareness, it opens up communication to your subconscious mind.

A little trick I will share with you. If you are looking for an answer that you do not know consciously, chances are, your subconscious knows that answer. Ask your self what it is you want to know and state it in the positive. What is it I need to do to stop smoking and your mind will give you that answer.

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